Renewal of Vows

A renewal of vows is a wonderful opportunity for you and your husband, wife, or civil partner, to re-affirm your commitment to each other.


This could be to commemorate an anniversary or to hold a ceremony for friends and family that were unable to attend your original marriage.

You may wish to have a large gathering with all your family and friends or an intimate occasion with those closest to you. The choice is yours to create a ceremony that is meaningful to you.

What does the ceremony involve?

The ceremony is conducted by a civil celebrant.

There is no legal status to a renewal of vows ceremony and, as they are conducted by a civil celebrant, there can be no religious content.

The civil celebrant will conduct a non-religious ceremony that is personalised by your choice of promises, readings and music. Readings can be given by anybody present at the ceremony, or if your prefer they can be read by the celebrant taking the ceremony.

Booking the Registrar

You will need to make your own booking with the registrar, either by telephoning 0300 1234 181 and asking for the ceremonies team or by emailing